The application of Pocket Protector and surgical devices for capsular contracture & Bone graft substitute

The application of Pocket Protector and surgical devices for capsular contracture & Bone graft substitute

Application Testing

Professor Name:Hsu-Wei Fang
Cooperation Partner:  Biotegy Corporation
Patent:6,146,418 ( U.S. )

Breast augmentation patients are around 6 million globally, and surgery of breast reconstruction is increasing. In U.S., there are 300,000 new cases for breast augmentation. Thus compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 5~8%, and the occurrence rate of breast reconstruction caused by capsule contracture is around 5-9 %. Dr. Fang and Biotegy work together to overcome the temporary treatment from rubbing or medicine and Breast repetitive replacement surgery. The pioneer idea is world’s first Class III innovative medical device – the permanent implant for preventing and treating capsule contracture caused by breast augmentation. Pocket protector made by e-PTFE is used for the cover of silicon breast implant which can integrate with the body without a capsule formation, in order to prevent or delay the possibility of replacement caused by capsule contracture. To conduct surgery in minimally invasive way, we also designed surgical devices – insertion tube and balloon-assisted expander to assist Pocket Protector to be implanted into breast tissue.
Bone graft substitute is used for bone surface defect repair includes bone filling and bone integration. Various type of bone graft substitute such as powder, pallet, tablet, plug, shapeable material and injection can fill in different shapes of damage. In addition, the bone graft is pre-blended so it saves time for surgeons before using. The performance, for example compressive strength, of our bone graft substitute is superior to other commercial products on the market.
Biotegy was founded at Taipei Tech University MT3 as a biomaterial developing accelerator. Our company combines the demand of clinicians and marketing channel. By applying unique material surface engineering on the fields of orthopedics, dentistry, plastic surgery and minimally invasive surgery, Biotegy focuses on smart minimal invasive surgery medical device, rapid development of biomaterials, product commercialization and licenses obtaining.
